The Data Quality Navigator unlocks the full potential of your data:

  • Make your data a source of trusted and reliable information
  • Quick and easy setup to achieve a short time-to-value
  • Identify and remediate your data problems at the core
  • Switch the focus from data quality to data insights

Why Data Quality Navigator?

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Effortless cleansing with the SweeperAI

Data Quality Navigator doesn't just point out violations of your data quality standards - it also resolves them. The SweeperAI correction engine makes suitable recommendations and automatically implements them as well.

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Creating validation rules using natural language with the DesignerAI

With Data Quality Navigator, you don't need technical experts or data scientists to create validation rules. Your business domain experts can easily use natural language to define rules using the DesignerAI and identify violations in an instant.

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Benefit from the abundance of documents using the ReaderAI

Data Quality Navigator leverages all of your data: The ReaderAI understands unstructured data hidden in PDF or other documents. These insights can either be used to enrich or to validate the data, that is in your systems.

Validation rules at your fingertips

Assess your data quality — Empower your decisions with transparent data

Get a quick start with the extensive Rule Catalog covering a multitude of industries and use cases or use the DesignerAI to create your own rules, leveraging data insights from InsightAI or the Profiling Engine.

  • Out-of-the-box data quality rules

    Benefit from a large collection of industry-proven validation rules.

    The Rule Catalog is a comprehensive repository of validation rules which covers a broad range of industries and use cases. The rules uncover different types of data issues from correctness over completeness to duplications and will generate immediate insights into the quality of your data.

    • Time-to-value Time-to-value
    • Efficient Efficient
    • Tried and tested Tried and tested
  • AI-driven rule creation

    Leverage GenAI to add validation rules to your own repository in no time.


    Designer AI

    The DesignerAI rule editor enables your domain experts to translate their business know how into validation rules. The low-code editor of the Designer gives your more technical users full control.​

    • Quick implementation Quick implementation
    • Low effort Low effort
    • Wider contributer base Wider contributer base
  • Rule catalogue 1500 data quality rules
  • Setup 4 from start to insights
  • Rule creation 70 faster through GenAI
  • Talk to your data

    Use GenAI for effortless generation of business insights from your data.​

    The InsightsAI answers your data related business questions unveiling all the insights of your data with no technical know how.​

    No technical skills required


    Enhanced data insights


    Faster conclusions

  • One-click data profile

    Leverage predefined analytics algorithms to get a full inventory of your data.

    The Profiling Engine provides a full profile of your data with only one click as a starting point for the rule creation process and to draw insights.

    Full transparency


    Actionable insights


    Time efficient


Effortless data cleansing powered by AI

Fix your data quality — Automated and effective data cleansing​

Fix your data quality with SweeperAI. SweeperAI automates error corrections and enriches data using integrated providers. Enjoy efficient and effective cleansing with our guided workflow in the Workbench.

  • Automated data cleansing

    Simply approve AI-suggested corrections or automate it all the way.

    The SweeperAI correction engine makes suitable recommendations on how to solve the detected data errors, where possible –tackling the hardest parts of data quality.

    • Lower cleansing effort​ Lower cleansing effort​
    • Automated data quality remediation​ Automated data quality remediation​
    • Human control or full automation​ Human control or full automation​
  • Data cleansing velocity 80 Faster
  • Data quality results 60 Better
  • Data correction efforts 50 Improved

Data Quality Navigator significantly increased our S/4 transformation efficiency – we could shorten our stabilization phase, reduce data cleansing efforts and testing efforts due to higher data quality.

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S/4 Program Manager of a German Tier-1 Automotive Supplier

  • Document Parsing

    Leverage AI to translate your documents into structured data to include them into data quality analysis.


    ReaderAI extracts information from unstructured documents to translate them into structured data. Use this data to check the validity of existing data in your systems, automatically correct it and enrich where information is still missing.

    • Reduction of manual effort Reduction of manual effort
    • Significant time saving Significant time saving
    • Increased process efficiency Increased process efficiency
  • Integration with specialized data providers

    Benefit from integrations with specialized data providers to validate and automatically enrich your data.

    Sweeper compares your data against external databases from our partners, e.g., for address, tax or bank information, to check the validity of existing information - automatically correct and enrich data.

    Standardized and compliant master data

    Always up-to-date

    No additional technical integration

  • Collaborative correction workflow

    Follow a guided correction and decision workflow when putting insights into practice.​

    The Workbench enables business experts to correct errors, validate findings and manage the workload in teams. They are given full transparency and control on individual findings.

    Clearly defined responsibilities​

    Transparent tracking of findings and decisions​

    Targeted, efficient data cleansing​

Create a movement, not a moment

Govern your data quality — Sustain your achievements

Sustain your data quality achievements by defining your standards in the Rule Manager. Gain full, continuous transparency over data quality in the Monitor's dashboards, ensuring tight control over critical areas.

  • Data quality dashboards

    Actively manage and control your data quality with full transparency​

    Monitor's dashboards highlight relevant findings and track the development over time. You get full transparency over progress and pain points to initiate counter measures. Deeply integrate data quality into your business processes or your IT transformation projects, tailored to your organization or project. ​

    • Tailored multi-level reports​ Tailored multi-level reports​
    • Full transparency and control​ Full transparency and control​
    • Focus on critical areas​ Focus on critical areas​
  • End-to-end rule lifecycle

    Govern your data quality standards and keep them up-to-date​

    Rule Manager allows you to define data quality standards for your organization and safeguard all dependent processes and KPIs. Rule Overview provides a tailored view of rules relevant for your user's area of responsibility.

    • End-to-end governance process End-to-end governance process
    • Flexible applicability Flexible applicability
    • Full transparency and control Full transparency and control

Get started today

Talk to our specialists and learn how Data Quality Navigator can help your business.