The consumer goods and retail sector face many challenges. When such are unaddressed, unmet customer expectations and financial losses are the result.

The consumer goods and retail industry faces challenges such as:

Data quality issues

Supply chain turbulences

Capacity planning

  • Master your packaging data for undisrupted material flow

    No More Manual Repackaging Effort

    Always retrieve the correct packaging instruction by mastering your packaging data. Reduce the amount of packaging errors to prevent unnecessary shipping, re-packaging, and waste.

    Wrong packaging data is a tiny difference in the system - but it has a huge impact on the shop floor. Automated processes fail, and inefficient manual rework is needed.

    Data Quality Navigator offers extensive checks to validate packaging data, identifying mismatches between ordering and delivery packaging and verifying packaging hierarchies and the right quantities.

    • No repackaging effort No repackaging effort
    • Undisrupted material flow Undisrupted material flow
    • Decreased transportation costs Decreased transportation costs
  • Inventory Optimization

    Boost your Inventory Efficiency

    Derive the best planning parameter settings based on your inventory strategy and analyze their cost and service level effects for more informed decision-making.

    Inadequately maintained material planning parameters may lead to inflated stock buffers at multiple stages of the supply chain.

    Data Quality Navigator offers a sustainable inventory optimization approach that identifies savings potentials and creates full cost transparency for logistics planners and material managers to support their decision-making.

    • Inventory cost reduction Inventory cost reduction
    • Release significant liquidity Release significant liquidity
    • Improved service level Improved service level
  • Resilient Material Flow

    Prevention of Missing Parts in the Material Flow

    Eliminate line stoppages by having all required materials on time, in the right amount, and at the desired location.

    Poor or missing logistics master data can easily lead to missing parts and production line stoppages. Line stoppages are among the most costly disruptions with a direct effect on the customer.

    Data Quality Navigator contextualizes MES with ERP data to derive the risk of potential material shortages by systematically analyzing line supply parameters. Inappropriate settings are indicated and permanently monitored to support stable and efficient material flows.

    • Safeguarded material flow Safeguarded material flow
    • Reduced rework efforts Reduced rework efforts
    • Stockout avoidance Stockout avoidance
  • Supplier Reliability

    On-Time, Full Deliveries

    Leverage full transparency about your suppliers' performance. Evaluate their ability to deliver ordered materials in the desired time and the correct amount. Streamline inbound logistics.

    Making supplier reliability transparent is essential as it enables companies to make informed decisions about their suppliers and assess the potential risks and benefits of working with them.

    Unreliable suppliers can cause production delays, disrupt supply chains, and lead to both stockouts and excess stock, as well as increased costs.

    Data Quality Navigator assesses your supplier's performance by evaluating the past, planned, and actual deliveries, providing direct insights into the complete delivery history.

    •  Informed decision-making Informed decision-making
    • Improved risk management Improved risk management
    • Enhanced supplier relationship Enhanced supplier relationship

Get started today

Talk to our specialists and learn how Data Quality Navigator can help your business.